Bet On Yourself
Set Goals. Reach Them. Fulfill Your Dreams.

Set Goals. Reach Them. Fulfill Your Dreams.
Bet On Yourself
Finally conquer your bad habits hurting your business.
Through our affordable and effective goal setting and monitoring program, you can finally stop the bad habits that are hurting your business.
We help business owners and their staff conquer the chaos of running a business. You know where you need to focus more of your time and effort in your business. You also know you have bad habits that break this focus. Since we know everyone likes to win, we created a “Bet On Yourself” habit training program to help you win. We help you conquer the chaos and get rid of the bad habits hurting your business.

A bet so good Las Vegas doesn't offer it.
Make your own rules. Tell yourself next week’s winning hand. Play and win.
What will be your
Those who write down their goals are 30x more successful than those who don’t.
1x Success
10x Success
30x Success
Be the pro-athlete your business deserves.
All pro-athletes achieved their success through patient and consistent small goal accomplishment.
How important is this?

Are You Visual?
These videos make clear the G-Force “Bet On Yourself” Challenge could be one of the most important and least expensive investments you have ever made for your business.
BLUF "Bottom Line Up Front"
Your success is directly proportional to how consistently you prioritize, set, and achieve your weekly goals.

Most entrepreneurs never breakthrough because they get bogged down in the daily firefight of being a business owner.
The G-Force Bet On Yourself Challenge helps force entrepreneurs, business owners, and their participating staff, to finally work on the business and not just in the business.
Enroll today for a token investment and reach the “finish line” for your business and personal goals faster.
Bet On Yourself!
Start betting on yourself today! Don’t wait. Start consistently setting and achieving your goals today.
Are you worth a $5 bet?
You know you are. Bet on yourself and you will win! Maybe not immediately, but we guarantee in time you will win your bet! Enroll today and bet just $5 on your ability to set and achieve your goals this next week. This is one of the few bets in your life you have 100% control over.
Keeping betting on your success and you will eventually win.
Our “Craigslist” simple habit formation software simply helps you put a little money where your mouth is.
We all need to put some “skin in the game” to change. Even a token $5 bet helps us change and establish critical habits we know we need to form.
For just $5, you can enroll in our "Bet On Yourself" challenge.

Set your monthly bitesize goals.

Reach your goals, pay nothing more.

Lose your focus, don’t reach your goals, pay your lost bet.

Watch how soon you will start consistently reaching your goals to avoid paying us!

When you lose, you are supporting a good cause, because your losses are invested to help us help other entrepreneurs.

We GUARANTEE betting on yourself is better than any bet you can make in Las Vegas.
How valuable will it be for you and your staff to start consistently setting and achieving the majority of your weekly goals?
Exciting thought? Enroll today on the checkout form above and make your first bet! Unenroll at any time.
The most asked questions
After you enroll through the checkout form, we will email you a link to a personalized webform for you to enter your goals for the next week. When you submit the form, you will also be placing a $5 bet on yourself that you will complete those goals! A week later, we will send you an email and ask you if you won your bet and achieved your goals. If you select the button that says you achieved your goals and won your bet, you pay yourself $5. If you lost your bet you pay us $5. You then place another bet for the next week. You keep placing bets until you have mastered a habit of achieving your weekly goals!
A non-response is a lost bet. You have 48 hours from when we email you your bet has come due. You will need to indicate whether you fulfilled your weekly goals or not on the webform link we provide you. If you don’t update your webform bet within 48 hours, you lose that week’s bet and are charged the amount of your previous week’s bet. If you are “just too busy” to update your bet, don’t worry, your bet is auto-renewed and you will have a chance to try to win your bet at next week’s review. What good are your goals or your “Bets On Yourself” if you ignore them and don’t stay on top of them?
This tool relies on each user to respect their own honor system! Not respecting your own honor system defeats the purpose of the tool and it will be impossible for you or your staff to ever create a consistent habit of setting and achieving your weekly goals.
Having served over 150 entrepreneurs and small business owners the past eight years, we recognized that one of the greatest values we brought to our clients was not through our consulting but through the investment pain of our consulting fees. If we had a dollar for every time a client did not do their weekly homework, we would be rich. Those that did their weekly homework achieved great succcess. Our retainer fees, like a running meter, were a consistent forcing function getting our business owners and / or their staff to finally do the non-enjoyable but critical business improvement work they would otherwise continue to neglect. We believe if entrepreneurs have even a tiny amount of financial “skin in the game”, that for principle and with their own competitive spirit, they can now have a little fun with their human nature and start tackling all the unenjoyable work and habits they need to fix. Since we help other entrepreneurs with our collective lost bets, the money goes to a good cause!